Do you work with land managers to help them implement conservation practices?


This educational series of online courses and in-person workshops is designed to help you provide technical assistance to land managers regarding agroforestry, or the use of trees for agricultural purposes. It focuses on three agroforestry practices – alley cropping, silvopasture, and forest farming.



Online Courses

Work online at your own pace to attain a basic knowledge of common agroforestry practices - alley cropping, silvopasture, and forest farming. These courses are available on-demand to provide you with convenient and thorough agroforestry training. Developed by experienced agroforestry technical assistance providers, these courses help you avoid confusion and misinformation as you build your expertise in agroforestry.

Each course features multimedia lessons with videos, audio, and supplemental resources for you to dig deep into each subject. The following self-paced courses can be taken individually or in sequence.

Purchase 6-Course Bundle for $99

 "It was great! I hope to spread the knowledge I learned with others and make agroforestry and more sustainable practices commonplace."

"This course was extremely beneficial to me considering I didn't know a lot about livestock and agroforestry. I am excited for the in-person trainings!"

Introduction to Agroforestry for NRPs (FREE)


Social Competencies: Growing Agroforestry (FREE)


Understanding NRCS Support for Agroforestry ($30)


Fundamentals of Alley Cropping ($30)


Fundamentals of Forest Farming ($30)


Fundamentals of Silvopasture ($30)

Purchase 6-Course Bundle for $99


Project Partners

The Agroforestry Trainings for Natural Resource Professionals series is an interregional collaboration between the following core partner organizations:

  • Appalachian Sustainable Development (ASD) is a nonprofit organization that has been working since 1995 to build a thriving regional food and agriculture system that creates healthy communities, respects the planet, and cultivates profitable opportunities for Appalachians. ASD’s Agroforestry Program was developed in 2010 to help farmers adopt agroforestry practices and market agroforestry crops.
  • Interlace Commons’ mission is to promote the adoption of agroforestry land-use practices that address climate change and land degradation and move toward resilient, biodiverse landscapes that enhance livelihoods. We achieve our mission through farmer-driven field projects, education, and research initiatives throughout the Northeastern United States.
  • The National Agroforestry Center (NAC) mission is “to advance the health, diversity, and productivity of working lands, waters, and communities through agroforestry.” NAC is a partnership between the USDA Forest Service and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 
  • The Savanna Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works with farmers and scientists to lay the groundwork for widespread agroforestry adoption in the Midwestern US. Inspired by the oak savanna ecosystem native to the region, the Savanna Institute conducts research, education, and outreach to support the growth of diverse, perennial agroecosystems.

Additional in-person workshop series partners include Virginia Tech and Cornell Cooperative Extension. A special thank you to the Edwards Mother Earth Foundation for supporting the development of this series.